Thursday, October 17, 2019

Healthcare proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Healthcare - Research Proposal Example The major problem is the financial crunch which has forced the authority to think about the operations of the hospital in short and in long run. The basic objective of this study is to find out ways in which the hospital can be in operations in short as well as in long run. There is a need to find a way out of the present prevailing problems and the study will look to resolve the crisis. Developing ways or models that will make the hospital sustain and grow is also a significant purpose of the study. The problem is the rising health care costs for the past few years and it has become a problem in the recent times as there is an economic slow down or downturn. The question is how the hospital will sustain in this situation with a deficit budget for past three years. The health reform measures are found out not to be sufficient enough in solving the financial problem. It might help to a certain extent but it can't become a full proof worked out plan to the recent financial problem. Previously there were sources that helped it out to certain extent. The problem of infant and also asthma mortality is high in the entire adjacent neighborhood and it was managed through different sources. But due to the economic downturn even these sources have been forced to cut off their expenditures and consequently the hospital funding has also turned out to be in that expenditure. Even if funds are generated to solve the current situation ... But due to the economic downturn even these sources have been forced to cut off their expenditures and consequently the hospital funding has also turned out to be in that expenditure. Even if funds are generated to solve the current situation the question of future sustainability comes. For this purpose a model or approach is to be formulated to solve problem related to the financial matter of the hospital with the intention that it can serve the people for longer period of time. There are many factors such as deficit financing, allocation of funds to hospitals from the government, political influence, human resource and many more problems that are to be addressed in developing an effective system with a proper financial backup plan to run smoothly the business of the hospital. It is not only to develop the strategy that will meet the financial purpose but the focus is upon the quality of the service with proper integration along with other departments and reorganizing the hospital operations to make it more effective in serving the surrounding people. Proposal The proposal is of developing a new system or a model which will serve the financial as well as the service providing capacity in accordance to the norms set up by IOM and maintaining of the quality in guidance provided by NQF. The Organization of the Health Services In any health centers, team work along with proper integration of the entire department is essential for achieving the objectives of the health center. The integration is necessary especially with the IT and Human Resource Department. The main objective is to provide an enhance service to everyone. Therefore

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